Enlarged Bronchial Diverticula with Lung Fibrosis Progression
Hideaki Yamakawa, et al.
Intern Med 59: 2967-2968, 2020
・↑の論文の最後にかかれている" Clinicians should recognizethat the mechanical traction and vulnerability in cases ofUpper-PF might play a role in inducing pneumomediastinumor bronchial diverticula."というのが、今回の教訓ですね。
日気食会報, 44(3), 1993pp. 195-199
【抄録】One case of tracheal diverticulum and eleven cases of bronchial diverticula were detected in 4127 subjects examined by fiberscopic bronchoscopy. The tracheal diverticulum was located in the right posterior portion of the trachea, and the bronchial diverticula were located in the right truncus intermedius (5 cases), the right basal bronchus (5 cases) and the right middle lobe bronchus (1 case). From our studies and reviewing the previous reports in Japan, we came to the conclusion that the frequent site of the tracheal diverticulum was at the right postero-lateral portion and that of the bronchus was at the truncus intermedius. There was redness of the mucosa and vascular engorgement in 2 of the 12 cases of tracheobronchial diverticula. In most cases, diverticula were clinically silent, however in some cases, they tended to lead to the foci of inflammation. Therefore in case of the recurrent pulmonary inflammation, bronchofiberscopic examinations are highly recommended to rule out the tracheal or bron-chial diverticula.
・↑の論文の「はじめに」に「繰り返す炎症性疾患や血疾の原因病巣となったものがあり, 上記の症状を呈するものでは憩室の存在も念頭に置かねばならない。」とかかれていましたが、まさにそうですね。
2020-11-15 20:34
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