


Energy drink-induced cardiomyopathy

1Fisk G, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e239370. doi:10.1136/bcr-2020-239370


We report a case of severe biventricular heart failure potentially related to excessive energy drink consumption in a 21-year-old man. The patient presented with a 4-month history of shortness of breath on exertion, orthopnoea and weight loss. Transthoracic echocardiography demonstrated severely impaired biventricular systolic function and bilateral ventricular thrombi, subsequently confirmed on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, which found in addition no oedema, inflammation or focal fibrosis. Blood tests, renal ultrasound and subsequent abdominal MRI demonstrated severe renal failure caused by a chronic obstructive uropathy, long-standing and previously undiagnosed. There was no significant past medical, family or social history other than excessive intake of an energy drink. This case report adds to the growing concern in the literature about the potential cardiotoxic effects of energy drinks, which should be considered when assessing young patients presenting with a non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy.



実は身近すぎる薬物中毒 ~カフェイン過剰摂取~



食品に含まれるカフェインの過剰摂取についてQ&A ~カフェインの過剰摂取に注意しましょう~


Caffeine and cardiovascular health
Duncan Turnbull, et al.
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol . 2017 Oct;89:165-185. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2017.07.025. Epub 2017 Jul 26.


This report evaluates the scientific literature on caffeine with respect to potential cardiovascular outcomes, specifically relative risks of total cardiovascular disease (CVD), coronary heart disease (CHD) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI), effects on arrhythmia, heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest, stroke, blood pressure, hypertension, and other biomarkers of effect, including heart rate, cerebral blood flow, cardiac output, plasma homocysteine levels, serum cholesterol levels, electrocardiogram (EKG) parameters, heart rate variability, endothelial/platelet function and plasma/urine catecholamine levels. Caffeine intake has been associated with a range of reversible and transient physiological effects broadly and cardiovascular effects specifically. This report attempts to understand where the delineations exist in caffeine intake and corresponding cardiovascular effects among various subpopulations. The available literature suggests that cardiovascular effects experienced by caffeine consumers at levels up to 600 mg/day are in most cases mild, transient, and reversible, with no lasting adverse effect. The point at which caffeine intake may cause harm to the cardiovascular system is not readily identifiable in part because data on the effects of daily intakes greater than 600 mg is limited. However, the evidence considered within this review suggests that typical moderate caffeine intake is not associated with increased risks of total cardiovascular disease; arrhythmia; heart failure; blood pressure changes among regular coffee drinkers; or hypertension in baseline populations.



Pheochromocytoma induced cardiomyopathy in a young man: a case report
Zörner CR, et al.
Oxf Med Case Reports. 2021 Jan 23;2021(1):omaa128. doi: 10.1093/omcr/omaa128. eCollection 2021 Jan.


Pheochromocytoma is a tumor arising from the adrenal medulla, most frequent benign and, due to the excretion of catecholamines, a rare cause of hypertension. The diagnosis of pheochromocytoma can be challenging because of its episodic nature, unspecific symptoms and rarity. Consequently, treatment can be delayed with serious consequences for the patient. We present a case report regarding a young man with episodes of severe hypertension over a period of at least 9 years. Ultimately, with a possible trigger effect from the intake of multiple energy drinks, the patient presented with severe hypertension, symptoms mimicking acute coronary syndrome, abnormal laboratory parameters and echocardiography suggestive of severe cardiomyopathy. The patient's pheochromocytoma was incidentally identified in a computed tomography scan during the initial workup. Although a rare condition, pheochromocytoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis, especially in young patients presenting with unexplained hypertension, chest pain and cardiac dysfunction.


日本集中治療医学会雑誌 19巻(2013)3号
・本日4/18(日)は、6時18分起床。1日勉強とちょっとした掃除、調べ物で終わりました。夕方17時半から19時間前で庭・畑の草刈り、草抜き。そして、入浴。夕食。食事中はビール、そして現在ウイスキー(Glen GARIOCH)のオンザロック飲んでおります。これから、学生時代にもどってコークハイなんぞのんでみます。(ああ、バカ舌な私)
・今日の勉強の一つは、来週火曜日のCritical Appraisalで抗精神病薬の論文を扱うので↓のガイドラインとそのガイドラインのガイドの本を読んでおりました。
患者さん・ご家族・支援者のために 統合失調症薬物治療ガイド

患者さん・ご家族・支援者のために 統合失調症薬物治療ガイド

  • 出版社/メーカー: じほう
  • 発売日: 2018/08/30
  • メディア: 単行本
・もう一つは、インフォームドコンセントとニュルンベルグ継続裁判の医師の裁判についてちょっとネットで検索しておりました。BJMやAnnals of Internal Medicineといった主要医学雑誌に(ちょっと古いですが)関連する論文がのっているのが、分かりました。日本の医学雑誌にニュルンベルグ継続裁判のことなんて載っているんでしょうかね?で、今日思ったことは、ドイツ語をもう一度復習しようということでした。(ニュルンベルグ継続裁判は英語の文献がありますが)
cf. Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings
The Nuremberg Municipal Museums

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