[1]ケシの未成熟果実から抽出されるアヘンの主要薬理成分モルヒネに類似した鎮痛作用と麻薬性を有する物質の総称。アヘン誘導体を示すオピエートより広い概念として内因性物質を含めて使われる。脳内に存在するエンドルフィン,エンケファリンなどのモルヒネ様ペプチドはオピオイドペプチドと呼ばれ,それらが結合して生理作用を発揮する受容体をオピオイド受容体と呼ぶ。 [2]モルヒネは優れた鎮痛薬であるが依存性(麻薬性)をもつため,依存性のないモルヒネ様作用をもつ麻薬性鎮痛薬として合成された。それらの作用は結合するオピオイド受容体のサブタイプによって決まる。全身麻酔で使用されるフェンタニルはモルヒネの100倍の力価がある。
[1]ケシの未成熟果実から抽出されるアヘンの主要薬理成分モルヒネに類似した鎮痛作用と麻薬性を有する物質の総称。アヘン誘導体を示すオピエートより広い概念として内因性物質を含めて使われる。脳内に存在するエンドルフィン,エンケファリンなどのモルヒネ様ペプチドはオピオイドペプチドと呼ばれ,それらが結合して生理作用を発揮する受容体をオピオイド受容体と呼ぶ。 [2]モルヒネは優れた鎮痛薬であるが依存性(麻薬性)をもつため,依存性のないモルヒネ様作用をもつ麻薬性鎮痛薬として合成された。それらの作用は結合するオピオイド受容体のサブタイプによって決まる。全身麻酔で使用されるフェンタニルはモルヒネの100倍の力価がある。
今町 憲貴
日本臨床麻酔学会誌41 巻 (2021) 3 号
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by JESBex (2021-08-28 11:41)
<p>ChipMixer supports Bitcoin and Litecoin cryptocurrencies bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.005 BTC, 0.015 LTC and the transaction fee is from 0.4% to 4% + mining fee 0.0003 for BTC, from 2% to 20% + mining fee 0.0003 for LTC. It supports multiple addresses of up to 5 and requires confirmation from 1 till 6. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program as well as a letter of guarantee.</p> <p>And last but not least, there is a coin mixer with a number of cryptocurrencies to tumbler named coin mixer bitcoin. At the moment, there are three currencies and Ethereum is going to be represented in future. This mixer offers a very simple user-interface, as well as the opportunity to have control over all steps of the mixing process. A user can select a delay not just by hours, but by the minute which is very useful. The tumbler gives the opportunity to use a calculator to understand the amount of money a user finally receives. The service fee is from 1 % to 5 % with fees for extra addresses (0.00045529 BTC, 0.01072904 LTC, and 0.00273174 BCH). Having funds from different resources helps the crypto mixer to keep user’s personal information undiscovered. This last mixer does not offer its users a Letter of Guarantee.</p> <p>It is a simple service with a high level of anonymity. The <a href=https://coinmixer-io.com/zh/>coin mixers</a> mixing process is very simple and only takes a couple of minutes. You need to select one of the three supported cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash), enter the withdrawal address, set the transaction delay for any time up to 72 hours, send the coins to the specified address and wait for their delivery to the destination. This site is unlike the other three mixing pools. You can mix user’s coins: with incoming coins of other customers, private reserves of the service and investor coins. The service does not require registration. The mixing commission is not large and is taken from the mining commission, which is very convenient. The referral program at SmartMixer is one of the most profitable, during the first mixing operation you receive a smart code that is required to receive a discount on the commission, this discount can reach – 70%. After each transaction, the user receives a letter of guarantee. All data about it is deleted after a day, while maintaining the complete anonymity of the client.</p>
by AlbertEnume (2021-08-28 19:45)