


舌に多発性に再燃した好酸球性潰瘍の 1 例



Eosinophilic ulcer (EU) is a rare self-limiting oral condition, frequently occurring on the tongue and appearing as an ulcer with elevated induration of the surrounding tissue. Consequently, there is risk of misdiagnosis as carcinomatous ulcer. We describe a 30-year-old man with a painful ulcer on the tongue, which reappeared one and a half months after healing. First, a lesion developed on the dorsum of the tongue. The lesion healed without active treatment after 1 month. However, two lesions were then observed on the right ventral aspect of the tongue. Histopathological examination of the lesions showed ulceration and inflammatory deterioration with distinct eosinophilic infiltration extending into the deep underlying connective tissue and muscle fibers. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a large number of CD30-positive large atypical cells among inflammatory cells. As a result, an eosinophilic ulcer was diagnosed. The recurrent lesions also healed without active treatment, similar to the primary lesion.




・本日3/20(水)は、6時10分起床。朝勉はせずに大学へ。(電車の中でちょっと医学書は読みましたが)イチロー・カワチ先生の行動経済学の集中講義最終。午前中はsocial influence、午後はnormのお話でした。やっぱもうちょっと行動経済学の本を読んでおこうと思ったのでした。(とくにnudge)



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