Digital clubbing has been regarded as an important sign in medicine. A 33-year-old woman with no history of hepatic, pulmonary, or malignant disease was referred to our hospital. She had been taking lubiprostone every day for three years for constipation. Clubbing in her upper and lower limb digits began gradually about two years ago. The results of laboratory investigations were almost normal. We suspected the clubbed digits were a side effect of lubiprostone and confirmed that the levels of urinary prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which can cause clubbed digits, were elevated. Thus, we instructed the woman to stop taking lubiprostone and monitored this lab value. However, the value continued to rise over 2 months to 41.9 μg/g Cr. During that time, she had been taking sennoside A B calcium instead of lubiprostone for constipation. Since sennoside A B calcium also has the effect of increasing PGE2, we ordered the discontinuation. Her urinary PGE2 to creatinine level normalized, and the clubbing improved after the discontinuation of these two medications.