

老い先短いですが、私の目指す医師像の一つとして、論文/研究がわかる臨床医というのがあります.なので、大学院卒業後もできるだけ大学院が行っているCritical appraisal(CA)に参加しようと思っています.しかし、仕事が忙しいし、体力が無いのでなかなかしっかりとCAのネタとなる論文が読めません.昨日は、時間があり、心の余裕もあり、疲労感もなかったので、比較的ゆっくりCAの論文がよめました.それが↓

Physical Activity Before, During, and After Chemotherapy for High-Risk Breast Cancer: Relationships With Survival

 Rikki A Cannioto, et al.

 JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 113, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 54–63,

Although physical activity has been consistently associated with reduced breast cancer mortality, evidence is largely based on data collected at one occasion. We examined how pre- and postdiagnosis physical activity was associated with survival outcomes in high-risk breast cancer patients.
Included were 1340 patients enrolled in the Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle and Cancer Prognosis (DELCaP) Study, a prospective study of lifestyle and prognosis ancillary to a SWOG clinical trial (S0221). Activity before diagnosis, during treatment, and at 1- and 2-year intervals after enrollment was collected. Patients were categorized according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans as meeting the minimum guidelines (yes/no) and incrementally as inactive, low active, moderately active (meeting the guidelines), or high active.
In joint-exposure analyses, patients meeting the guidelines before and 1 year after diagnosis experienced statistically significant reductions in hazards of recurrence (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.59, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.42 to 0.82) and mortality (HR = 0.51, 95% CI = 0.34–0.77); associations were stronger at 2-year follow-up for recurrence (HR = 0.45, 95% CI = 0.31 to 0.65) and mortality (HR = 0.32, 95% CI = 0.19 to 0.52). In time-dependent analyses, factoring in activity from all time points, we observed striking associations with mortality for low- (HR = 0.41, 95% CI = 0.24 to 0.68), moderate- (HR = 0.42, 95% CI = 0.23 to 0.76), and high-active patients (HR = 0.31, 95% CI = 0.18 to 0.53).
Meeting the minimum guidelines for physical activity both before diagnosis and after treatment appears to be associated with statistically significantly reduced hazards of recurrence and mortality among breast cancer patients. When considering activity from all time points, including during treatment, lower volumes of regular activity were associated with similar overall survival advantages as meeting and exceeding the guidelines.

・この中でmyokinesという言葉が出てきました.こんな言葉あったけと『医学書院 医学大辞典 第2版』、『南山堂医学大辞典第20版』、『ステッドマン医学大辞典改定第6版』をみてみましたが、ありません.ネットで見ると↓のようなサイトがありました.





Physical Inactivity And Low Fitness Deserve More Attention To Alter Cancer Risk And Prognosis
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2015 Feb;8(2):105-10. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-14-0320.
Fabian Sanchis-Gomar, et. al.
 Sedentary lifestyle is associated with elevated cancer risk whereas regular physical activity (PA) and high cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) have the opposite effect, with several biological mechanisms mediating such associations. There is a need for lifestyle interventions aimed at increasing the PA levels and CRF of the general population and particularly cancer survivors. Further, provocative data suggest a dose-dependent benefit of increasing levels of PA and/or CRF against cancer risk or mortality. Thus, current PA guidelines (≥150 min/week of moderate-to-vigorous PA) may not be sufficiently rigorous for preventing cancer nor for extending cancer survivorship. Research targeting this issue is urgently needed. Promoting regular PA along with monitoring indicators of CRF and adiposity may provide powerful strategies to prevent cancer in populations, help cancer patients more effectively deal with their disease and enhance secondary prevention programs in those who are affected by cancer.
・現在高梁市成羽美術館で、「鴨居 玲」展が行われています.会期は、2023年4月8日(土)-6月25日(日)ということで、昨日からだったんですね.鴨居 玲については、ほとんど知らないので、これは良い機会だと必ず観に行こうと思います.なぜ、興味を持ったかというと何かの展覧会で彼の作品が何点か出ていて、その中で「私の話をきいてくれ」というのが、迫ってくるものがあったのです.本当に絵の題名の通り、話を聴いてくれと言う思いが伝わってくるような絵でした.他の絵も観たいので、是非行きたいものです.
・4/4(火)は、午前外来、午後回診、帰宅し配偶者と医療生協の新聞配布.19時半から2時間強"Causal Inference: What If"のZOOMでの勉強会、

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