




要旨:インジウム・スズ酸化物は,液晶パネル,プラズマディスプレイなどの原料として急速に需要が高まっているが,インジウム吸入における肺障害が危惧されている.インジウム関連事業所労働者40 例に対し,呼吸器検診を施行し,インジウム吸入の肺に対する影響について検討した.HRCT で気腫化4 例,肺癌1例を認め,間質性変化は認めなかった.KL-6 値が500Uml を越える例が9 例(22.5%)あり,血清インジウム濃度高値群(>3ngml)と低値群(<3ngml)での比較では,就労年数(50.0±16.8 カ月,29.3±28.1カ月,p<0.03)とKL-6 値(583.3±187.9Uml,261.0±149.9Uml,p<0.0001)で有意差を認め,さらに血清インジウム濃度とKL-6 値との間に正の相関(r=0.73)を認めた.吸入インジウム粒子が間質性肺炎などの肺障害を引きおこす可能性が示唆された.


Causal Relationship between Indium Compound Inhalation and Effects on the Lungs

Journal of Occupational Health
Vol. 51  (2009) No. 6  P 513-521

Background: Recent case reports and epidemiological studies suggest that inhalation of indium dust induces lung damage. Objectives: To elucidate the dose-dependent effects of indium on the lungs and to prove a causal relationship more clearly. Methods: A baseline observation was conducted on 465 workers currently exposed to indium, 127 workers formerly exposed to indium and 169 workers without indium exposure in 12 factories and 1 research laboratory from 2003 to 2006. Indium in serum (In-S) was determined as an exposure parameter, and its effects on the lungs were examined. Results: The means of In-S in the current, former and no exposure workers were 8.35, 9.63 and 0.56 ng/ml, respectively. The current and former exposure workers had significantly higher levels of KL-6, and showed significant dose-dependent increases in KL-6, SP-D, and SP-A. Current exposure workers with In-S of 3 ng/ml or above demonstrated a significant increase of KL-6 in both GM and prevalence exceeding the reference value. Approximately a quarter of the former exposure workers had interstitial changes as seen on chest HRCT. In-S of exposed workers who had been working before improvements of the working environment (Group Bef) and those who started working after improvements (Group Aft) were 12.29 and 0.81 ng/ml, respectively. Adjusted odds ratios indicated 87%, 71% and 44% reductions among Group Aft workers who exceeded the reference values of KL-6, SP-D and SP-A, respectively. Conclusion: Dose-dependent lung effects due to indium exposure were shown, and a decrease of indium exposure reduced the lung effects. An In-S value of 3 ng/ml may be a cut-off value which could be used to prevent early effects on the lungs.


Five-Year Cohort StudyFive-Year Cohort Study of Indium-Exposed Workers: Emphysematous Progression of Indium-Exposed Workers

CHEST November 2014, Vol 146, No. 5


BACKGROUND:  Dose-dependent adverse lung effects due to indium exposure have been reported in a cross-sectional study. This is a 5-year longitudinal cohort study of indium-exposed and unexposed workers, assessing indium exposure levels and its clinical lung effects.

METHODS:  From 2008 to 2011, a 5-year follow-up study was conducted on 40 unexposed and 240 workers formerly or currently exposed to indium at 11 factories. Indium exposure was assessed by serum indium (In-S) (μg/L). Lung effects were assessed by subjective symptoms, serum biomarkers, spirometry, and chest high-resolution CT scan. Effect biomarkers used were Krebs von den Lungen and surfactant protein D.

RESULTS:  Mean values of In-S, Krebs von den Lungen, and surfactant protein D among the workers exposed to indium at baseline declined during the 5-year follow-up by 29.8%, 27.2%, and 27.5%, respectively. Of the exposed subjects with In-S levels > 20 μg/L, 26.3% experienced emphysematous progression on high-resolution CT scan. Ninety percent (18 of 20) of workers with emphysematous progression during follow-up were current smokers at baseline, and a trend of increasing incidence of emphysematous progression at higher In-S levels was observed among the smokers (P = .005). Emphysematous changes among subjects with In-S levels > 20 μg/L were likely to progress, after adjusting for age, mean duration since initial indium exposure, and smoking history (OR = 10.49, 95% CI = 1.54-71.36).

CONCLUSIONS:  Long-term adverse effects on emphysematous changes were observed. The results suggest workers exposed to indium with In-S levels > 20 μg/L should be immediately removed from exposure.



・今日はちょっとゆっくりと7時48分起床。朝勉して、12時前に病院にいって1時間くらいして、買い物しながら帰宅。最近の近所の出来午後ですが、鴨方町のCOOPの店舗の前には「ひまわり」(ドラッグストアー)とセブンイレブンが道をへだててあります。また、ほんのすぐそこにTHE BITとコーナンがあります。で、最近COOPの駐車場の一部にあたらしく建物がたっていたのですが、なんとそこには「レディ薬局」の看板が。どんだけおんなじ様な店が集中するのよ。何年か前高校時代の後輩(現在神戸のCOOPの幹部)から聞いたのですが、現在オーバーストアだと。前からそうだとおもっていましたが、こんな田舎にもそのような状況が...コリャー仁義なき戦いですな。



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