



谷 恵利子、他。
  気管支学 42巻(2020)2号




Periorbital Ecchymosis (Raccoon Eye) and Orbital Hematoma following Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
Case Rep Gasteroenterol. 2017 Jan-Apr; 11(1): 134–141.Published online 2017 Mar 17.PMCID: PMC5465703
【Abstract】Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a conventional technique for diagnosis and treatment of pancratobiliary diseases, which is associated with various complications, including pancreatitis, hemorrhage, cholangitis, perforation, and mortality. In our case, a 69-year-old woman with positive hepatobiliary symptoms underwent ERCP, at the end of which a rare complication (raccoon eye) occurred, which was hypothesized to be due to amyloidosis, but the patient refused to complete the diagnostic procedure and became symptom free after 3 weeks. Racoon eye or periorbital ecchymosis is caused by blood tracking into periorbital tissues, which is frequently observed after head trauma but is also observed in systemic diseases, such as amyloidosis, neuroblastoma, and surgical interventions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of raccoon eye after ERCP; further reports will help to confirm that this complication should also be considered before performing ERCP and that complete diagnostic tests for the predisposing diseases prior to ERCP are necessary
本文中にアライグマの目サイン raccoon eye signがおくる病態を書いてくださっています↓
Periorbital ecchymosis or raccoon eye is produced by blood tracking into periorbital tissues, causing blue or purple discoloration of the upper and lower eyelids, which is a frequent symptom after traumatic injuries to the head and neck, including basal skull fractures, soft tissue injuries, convexity fractures, and facial fractures, which occurs due to the contusion and stretching of capillaries. Also, some studies have reported bilateral periorbital ecchymosis as a rare symptom in a number of systematic diseases, such as primary amyloidosis and migraine . The coagulopathy and vascular infiltration of amyloid fibrils in periorbital blood vessels in patients with amyloidosis can cause bilateral periorbital ecchymosis by minimal trauma, such as sneezing, coughing, or rubbing . In general, the conditions suggested to cause periorbital ecchymosis include disorders increasing venous pressure, causing fragile capillaries, or impairing the coagulation state. Ecchymosis is also observed in several malignancies, including neuroblastoma and multiple myeloma . Some cases of periorbital ecchymosis have been reported to occur after procedures and interventions such as ear surgery , globe injury, rhinoplasty , sinus surgery , and continuous positive airway pressures.
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