運動器慢性痛 ─メカニズムと臨床的アプローチ─
【抄録:本文は日本語です】The incidence of chronic pain among the adult Japanese population has been eported to be around 23%. In the majority of cases, the site of chronic pain is located in the musculoskeletal system, such as the lumbar
spine, neck and shoulder joint. Based on the pain mechanism,
musculoskeletal chronic pain is classified as chronic nociceptive pain,
neuropathic pain or mixed pain. Psycho–social factors often affect
clinical symptoms in chronic pain cases.
The first choice of edication for chronic nociceptive pain, resulting from conditions such s inflammation or degeneration of joints or spine, is nonsteroidal
anti–inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Cox 2 selective inhibitors should be
used in cases of long–term use to avoid gastrointestinal problems.
Although opioids may be applied in cases in which NSAIDs have no effect,
attention should be paid to potential side effects such as nausea and
consti-pation, abuse and addiction. Physical therapy including muscle
stretching and strengthening is a very important therapeutic modality for chronic noci-ceptive pain. Surgical treatment, such as arthroplasty and spinal fusion, may also be applied in cases in which conservative reatments fail.
As NSAIDs are not effective for neuropathic pain caused by disorders and diseases of nervous system, pregabalin (Ca2+channel blocker), anti–depressant s and opioids may be applied. urgery intervention, including laminectomy, discectomy or neurolysis or the purpose of nerve decompres-sion, may be applied in cases in hich conservative treatment fail or nerve palsy is observed. For
difficult chronic pain cases with psycho–social factors, a multidisciplinary approach including cognitive behavioral therapy should be considered.

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