



  脈管学 59巻(2019)5号

【抄録】 症例は68歳女性。真性多血症で加療中であったが,両下肢痛と下腿の知覚鈍麻および運動障害を生じた。CTにて両側総大腿動脈および下腿以下の動脈閉塞を認め,両下肢急性動脈閉塞の診断で当院に緊急搬送された。直ちに両下肢動脈の血栓摘除術を行い,両下腿の筋膜切開術を追加した。真性多血症では血栓症リスクが高く,両下肢同時に急性動脈閉塞症を発症することもあり,注意を要する。
PV患者を対象とした,Marchioli et al. の大規模コホート研究によると,PVにおける血栓症発生は静脈血栓症より動脈血栓症の方が多く,その血栓症発生率およびその発生部位に関しては,動脈が28.7% で,その内訳は脳虚血発作10.3%,脳塞栓8.9%,急性心筋梗塞8.9%,末梢血管血栓症5.5% であった。一方,静脈は13.7% で,深部静脈血栓症8.2%,表在静脈血栓症6.1%,肺塞栓症2.4% であった。本邦ではPVにおける末梢動脈血栓症の報告例は少なく,血行再建を行うも血栓症を再発し,下肢切断に至った報告例はあるが,これまでに両下肢
Vascular and Neoplastic Risk in a Large Cohort of Patients With Polycythemia Vera 
Roberto Marchioli, et al.

The clinical course of polycythemia vera is often complicated by thrombosis as well as by the possible transition to myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis or acute myeloid leukemia. The aim of this study was to assess the rate of these complications in subjects receiving currently recommended treatments.

Patients and Methods

Overall, 1,638 patients from 12 countries were enrolled onto a large, prospective multicenter project aimed at describing the clinical history of polycythemia vera for the following outcomes: survival, the cumulative rate of cardiovascular death and thrombosis, the cumulative rate of leukemia, myelodysplasia, and myelofibrosis. The mean duration of the disease at entry and the duration of the follow-up were 4.9 and 2.7 years, respectively.

The overall mortality rate of 3.7 deaths per 100 persons per year resulted from a moderate risk of cardiovascular death and a high risk of death from noncardiovascular causes (mainly hematologic transformations). Age older than 65 years and a positive history of thrombosis were the most important predictors of cardiovascular events. Antiplatelet therapy, but not cytoreductive treatment, was significantly associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular events. We found a consistent association between age and risk of leukemia, and between duration of the disease with risk of myelofibrosis.

The European Collaboration on Low-Dose Aspirin in Polycythemia Vera study documents that large international collaborative studies are feasible in this field, in which few epidemiologic data are available. The persistently high mortality rate from hematologic malignancies characterizes the unmet therapeutic need of polycythemic patients and suggests a priority for future studies in this disease.







  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2017/03/28
  • メディア: 単行本

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