FYMI: 重症熱性血症板減少症候群診療の手引き2024年版/臨床疫学セミナーと肺エコーの勉強の1日
Observational databases are often used to study causal questions. Before being granted access to data or funding, researchers may need to prove that "the statistical power of their analysis will be high." Analyses expected to have low power, and hence result in imprecise estimates, will not be approved. This restrictive attitude towards observational analyses is misguided. A key misunderstanding is the belief that the goal of a causal analysis is to "detect" an effect. Causal effects are not binary signals that are either detected or undetected; causal effects are numerical quantities that need to be estimated. Because the goal is to quantify the effect as unbiasedly and precisely as possible, the solution to observational analyses with imprecise effect estimates is not avoiding observational analyses with imprecise estimates, but rather encouraging the conduct of many observational analyses. It is preferable to have multiple studies with imprecise estimates than having no study at all. After several studies become available, we will meta-analyze them and provide a more precise pooled effect estimate. Therefore, the justification to withhold an observational analysis of preexisting data cannot be that our estimates will be imprecise. Ethical arguments for power calculations before conducting a randomized trial which place individuals at risk are not transferable to observational analyses of existing databases. If a causal question is important, analyze your data, publish your estimates, encourage others to do the same, and then meta-analyze. The alternative is an unanswered question.
観測データベースは、因果問題の研究によく使用されます。データや資金へのアクセスを許可される前に、研究者は「分析の統計的検出力が高い」ことを証明する必要がある場合があります。検出力が低く、結果として不正確な推定値になると予想される分析は承認されません。観察分析に対するこの制限的な態度は見当違いです。主な誤解は、因果分析の目的は効果を「検出する」ことであるという信念です。因果関係は、検出されるか検出されないかの 2 値信号ではありません。因果効果は、推定する必要がある数値です。目標は効果を可能な限り公平かつ正確に定量化することであるため、不正確な効果推定値を使用した観察分析の解決策は、不正確な推定値を使用した観察分析を回避することではなく、多くの観察分析の実施を奨励することです。研究をまったく行わないよりも、推定値が不正確な複数の研究を行う方が望ましいです。いくつかの研究が利用可能になった後、それらをメタ分析し、より正確なプールされた効果の推定値を提供します.したがって、既存のデータの観察分析を差し控える正当な理由は、推定が不正確になるということではありません。個人を危険にさらす無作為化試験を実施する前の検出力計算に関する倫理的議論は、既存のデータベースの観察分析に転用することはできません。因果関係の問題が重要な場合は、データを分析し、見積もりを公開し、他の人にも同じことをするように勧めてから、メタ分析を行います。代替案は未回答の質問です。
・このブログの標題と抄録の訳はPubmedXというGoogle Chromeの拡張機能を使ったものです。ご紹介した論文の標題が笑えたので貼り付けました。(powerは統計用語では検出力でしょうが、通常は電力とか訳されますよね)
FYI: 大気汚染と慢性腎臓病/慢性疲労状態
A woman in her 80s experienced a life-threatening complication of pacemaker implant consisting of subacute right ventricular lead perforation causing iatrogenic injury to an intercostal artery, resulting in a large haemothorax. A CT scan confirmed active bleeding from the fourth intercostal artery. The patient underwent cardiothoracic surgery via a median sternotomy approach, during which the source of the bleeding was sealed, a new epicardial lead was positioned, and the original lead was extracted. This case emphasises the potentially severe consequences of pacemaker lead perforation and secondary injury to adjacent structures. It underscores the importance of early recognition and timely intervention, preferably in a tertiary specialist unit equipped for cardiothoracic surgery and confirms the value of pacemaker interrogation and CT scans for diagnosis.
Pacemaker therapy is an effective treatment for bradyarrhythmias, most commonly indicated for sinus node dysfunction or high-grade atrioventricular block. With an ageing population and longer life expectancy, pacemaker use is increasing, with approximately one million people worldwide undergoing pacemaker implantation each year.
While generally safe, pacemaker therapy can have complications, most of which occur within the first 30 days after implantation.4 Complications include bleeding, infection, lead dislodgement, pneumothorax, air embolism, lead perforation and thrombosis, on rare occasions, resulting in death. Lead perforation is a rare but serious adverse event, occurring in approximately 0.3%–0.7% of implants.1 It can result in acute pericarditis, pericardial effusion or tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, pleural effusion, haemothorax, pneumothorax, lung perforation, diaphragmatic stimulation or be without clinical manifestation.1 Patients with lead perforation are at increased risk of other major complications, in-hospital mortality, and, potentially, infection related to early reintervention.
(今回同じ分をGoogle翻訳、DeepLでも訳してもらいましたが、そう大きな違いはありませんでした。ただ、最近"Causal Inference: What If"を訳すとき使ってみると、明らかに私がつかっているAIの方がきれいに翻訳できています)
型で覚える 型で学ぶ プライマリ・ケア医のための超音波(POCUS)
- 出版社/メーカー: 南山堂
- 発売日: 2023/04/19