





トルソー症候群 Trousseau syndrome
[同義語]移行性血栓性静脈炎 thrombophlebitis migrans

移行性の血栓性静脈炎。癌が原因で起こることが多い。癌から,トロンボプラスチン様の物質が放出されるためと考えられている。まず1本の静脈に現れ,緩やかに進行し,次第に他へ移行する。四肢の静脈に起こることが多い。(A. Trousseau) Durham RH: Thrombophlebitis migrans and visceral carcinoma. Arch Int Med (Chicago) 96:380-386, 1955


AMA Arch Intern Med. 1955 Sep;96(3):380-6.

Thrombophlebitis migrans and visceral carcinoma.


Many clinicians have had occasion to observe that patients who have carcinoma involving an internal organ are prone to develop thrombophlebitis in one or more superficial veins. Trousseau* first wrote about this observation 94 years ago. In brief, he stated that, if the diagnosis of a suspected carcinoma of an internal organ could not be verified, the sudden and spontaneous appearance of thrombophlebitis in a larger vein afforded necessary proof for diagnosis. Trousseau's basic observation stands, but in the light of our present knowledge certain other facts may be added to his statement. For example, the appearance of one or more lesions of thrombophlebitis may be the first tangible evidence of the presence of a visceral carcinoma. It is, therefore, the obligation of the clinician to classify as accurately and as early as possible any type of thrombotic lesion encountered.

There are two types of thrombotic lesions whicharecarcinogenetic in origin.

↑の文献のfull textはfreeではみることができません。で、一番最初のTrousseauの報告は↓ですが、そう簡単にはてにはいらないでしょうね、

Phlegmasia alba dolens Clin Med Hotel-dieu Paris 1865;3:654–712.
・で、UpToDateのPathogenesis of the hypercoagulable state associated with malignancyの項をみてみたら、Migratory superficial thrombophlebitis (Trousseau's syndrome)とかかれており、『医学書院医学大辞典第2版』の説明に近いと思います。他方、↓では、

Trousseau's syndrome: cancer-associated thrombosis

Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2016, Pages 204–208,


Trousseau's syndrome (cancer-associated thrombosis) is the second leading cause of death in cancer patients, after death from cancer itself. The risk of a venous thromboembolism is 4- to 7-fold higher in patients with cancer than in those without cancer. The causes of this impaired coagulation are associated with general patient-related risk factors, and other factors that are specific to the particular cancer or treatment. It is important to assess the risk of thrombotic events in cancer patients and administer effective prophylaxis and treatment. Effective prophylaxis and treatment of venous thromboembolism reduces morbidity and mortality, and improves patients' quality of life. Low molecular weight heparin is the first-line treatment for venous thromboembolism, as an effective and safe means for prophylaxis and treatment, according to guidelines released by international scientific societies. Oral anticoagulation therapy with warfarin is preferable to no therapy. However, warfarin has low efficacy and is associated with high rates of recurrence. If low molecular weight heparin is unavailable, some guidelines recommend the use of vitamin K antagonists that have a target international normalized ratio in the range of 2–3, as acceptable alternatives. Novel oral anticoagulants that directly inhibit factor Xa or thrombin are promising for the prophylaxis of high-risk cancer patients and in the long-term treatment of venous thromboembolism. However, to date, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of these new anticoagulants.

・ここではトルソー症候群は、Trousseau's syndrome (cancer-associated thrombosis) とかかれており、私の理解に近いですね。






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