



骨原性の良性腫瘍で,層状骨を主体とするよく分化し成熟した骨組織より形成され,緩徐に成長する。典型例は膜内骨化する頭蓋や顔面骨に発生し,骨表面から突出する。骨髄内に限局する内骨腫(enosteoma)や骨島(bone island)を含める場合と区別する場合がある。

・下顎骨にできることもあり、外の方に発達して顔からこぶが出るような場合と、お口の中に突出する場合なんかがあるようです。お口アーーンとしてたまたま見つかることもあるかも知れません。つい先日この病気かなと思う患者さんがおられました。で、↓のようなcase reportがありました。

Peripheral osteoma of the mandible

Nayak V, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2020;13:e238225. doi:10.1136/bcr-2020-238225

上のレポートの最後に出てくるGardner syndromeとは『医学書院医学大辞典第2版』によると↓

[英]Gardner syndrome

ガードナーは家族性大腸ポリポーシス患者に消化管ポリポーシス以外に,骨腫と軟部腫瘍を合併した例を報告したが,後にこれは新しい疾患概念としてガードナー症候群として認知された。その後の研究で,家族性大腸ポリポーシスと本症候群は同じ遺伝子変異によって生じる同一疾患であることが判明したので,大腸腺腫症(adenomatosis coli)として呼称されるようになった。(Eldon John Gardner,1909生,遺伝学,米)


Unusually Large Peripheral Osteoma of the Mandible – A Rare Case Report

J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Nov; 10(11): ZD11–ZD12.
Pulkit Khandelwal, et al.
【Abstract】Osteoma is a benign tumor which is composed of mature compact or cancellous bone. Osteoma may be periosteal (arising from surface of the bone) or endosteal (develop in the medullary bone) or combination of both. Here, we present a case of unusually large osteoma present on the lingual surface of the mandible in a 40-year-old female patient. The lesion had grown slowly for 15 years and caused intra-oral swelling leading to difficulty in mastication, speech and tongue movements. Under general anesthesia, local complete surgical excision was performed
Peripheral osteoma should be differentiated from exostoses, osteoblastoma and osteoid osteoma, late-stage central ossifying fibroma or complex odontoma. Exostoses are bony excrescences that usually stop growing after puberty, differentiating them from osteomas.
Differential diagnoses of peripheral osteoma includes several pathological entities, such as exostoses, osteoblastoma, osteoid osteoma, complex odontoma or central ossifying fibroma. Exostoses are osseous overgrowths that usually stop growing after puberty is attained, differentiating them from osteomas. Central ossifying fibromas have well-defined borders and a thin, radiolucent line separating the lesion from the surrounding normal bone. Osteoblastomas and osteoid osteomas are most often painful and growth is rapid as compared to peripheral osteomas. A complex odontoma also presents as a well-defined radiopacity within bone, but the density is greater than that of bone and resembles that of a tooth

Patients with osteomas should also be evaluated for Gardner’s Syndrome. This syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder which is characterized by colorectal polyposis, multiple maxillofacial osteomas, soft tissue tumors, cutaneous sebaceous cysts and multiple impacted supernumerary teeth . If the dentists find multiple impacted supernumerary teeth associated with osteomas of the jaw, they should examine patient for the presence of the Gardner’s Syndrome
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