
Critical Appraisal:石綿曝露と大腸癌/1日大学でお勉強

・今日は大学で1日勉強でした。週に1回学生、教員もちまわりで論文を一つ選んでその批判的吟味(CA: Critical Appraisal)を行っていますが、本日は私の担当。↓の論文を吟味しました。

Environ Health Perspect. 2017 Mar; 125(3): 409–415.
Published online 2016 Aug 12. 

Occupational Asbestos Exposure and Incidence of Colon and Rectal Cancers in French Men: The Asbestos-Related Diseases Cohort (ARDCo-Nut)




The relationships between asbestos exposure and colorectal cancer remain controversial.



We examined the association between asbestos exposure and colorectal cancer incidence.



Volunteer retired workers previously exposed to asbestos were invited to participate in the French ARDCo screening program between 2003 and 2005. Additional data on risk factors for colorectal cancer were collected from the ARDCo-Nut subsample of 3,769 participants in 2011. Cases of colon and rectal cancer were ascertained each year through 2014 based on eligibility for free medical care following a cancer diagnosis. Survival regression based on the Cox model was used to estimate the relative risk of colon and rectal cancer separately, in relation to the time since first exposure (TSFE) and cumulative exposure index (CEI) to asbestos, and with adjustment for smoking in the overall cohort and for smoking, and certain risk factors for these cancers in the ARDCo-Nut subsample.



Mean follow-up was 10.2 years among 14,515 men, including 181 colon cancer and 62 rectal cancer cases (41 and 17, respectively, in the ARDCo-Nut subsample). In the overall cohort, after adjusting for smoking, colon cancer was significantly associated with cumulative exposure (HR = 1.14; 95% CI: 1.04, 1.26 for a 1-unit increase in ln-CEI) and ≥ 20–40 years since first exposure (HR = 4.67; 95% CI: 1.92, 11.46 vs. 0–20 years TSFE), and inversely associated with 60 years TSFE (HR = 0.26; 95% CI: 0.10, 0.70). Although rectal cancer was also associated with TSFE 20–40 years (HR = 4.57; 95% CI: 1.14, 18.27), it was not associated with ln-CEI, but these findings must be interpreted cautiously due to the small number of cases.



Our findings provide support for an association between occupational exposure to asbestos and colon cancer incidence in men.




Occupational Asbestos Exposure and Incidence of Colon and Rectal Cancers in French Men: The Asbestos-Related Diseases Cohort (ARDCo-Nut)[i]


Christophe Paris,  et al.,Environ Health Perspect. 2017 Mar; 125(3): 409–415


I  Summary

1. Research hypothesis[ii]



2. Study design[iii]

cohort study ARDCo  ARDCo-NUT

P: 石綿曝露歴のある男性(元)労働者

E: 石綿曝露

C: (曝露期間、曝露「量」で比較)

O: 結腸癌、大腸癌の罹患


3. Study subjects[iv]

Fig. 1




4. Data collection[v]



2011年質問紙法(郵送):主に消化器癌のリスクファクター: body mass index (BMI), exercise, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), and a family history of colorectal cancer in first-degree relatives, as well as alcohol and red meat consumption.   


曝露期間 time since first exposure (TSFE)  

曝露「量」 cumulative exposure index (CEI)曝露単位×年数 

 low 0.01 intermediate 0.1 high intermediate 1.0 high 10.0 *アスベスト濃度は測っていない

 ・・・measurement biasあり


結腸癌、大腸癌の罹患 French National Health Insurance



 喫煙 body mass index (BMI), exercise, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), and a family history of colorectal cancer in first-degree relatives, as well as alcohol and red meat consumption.  


5. Data analysis[vi]










・喫煙以外は、complete case analysis(喫煙は、missingというカテゴリーを作成)


6. Results[vii]

Fig. 1 ARDCo 14515 ARDCo-NUT 3579


ARDCo-NUTは結腸癌41例、直腸がん17    see Table 1

Table 1 基本属性は、喫煙状況以外、ARDCoARDCo-NUTで差はなかった

・共変量 see Table 2

・罹患率 Table 3 (説明変数を連続量とカテゴリーの二つで解析している)

  単変量解析では、TSFEとHRが逆相関  CEIとは相関なし


Table1 Study population characteristics of the overall ARDCo and the ARDCo‑Nut subsample (males only).

Table 2 Selected specific characteristics of the ARDCo‑Nut subsample in 2011 (males only, n = 3,579)

Table 3 Incidence of colon and rectal cancers according to asbestos exposure in the ARDCo (Cox models, n = 14,515).


6. Conclusions[viii]



II  Strength of the paper

・方法が詳しく書かれている esp. Cox proportional hazard model

Hygienistが問診をとっている(measurement biasが少ない)

・診断が正確(measurement biasがすくない)・タバコその他の大腸がんの危険因子で調整している(confoundがすくない)



III  Weakness of the paper (bias, chance, etc.)


・実際のアスベスト濃度を測定していない(measurement bias

・ボランティアをつのったのでselection bias: すでに病気療養中の人(ex. 癌ではないが石綿肺があるようなhigh riskと思われる)は、除外されている可能性あり

大腸がん登録のdatabaseのリンクが悪い(measurement bias







IV  Balancing of the paper



V  Judgment


VI  Suggestion for improving the paper


・問診時、他の発がん物質(ex. シリカ、ヒ素、ベンゼン)への曝露を問診する


[i] STROBE Checklist 1(a)(b) clear

[ii] 2, 3 clear

[iii] 4, 22 clear

[iv] 5, 6, 13 clear

[v] 7, 8 clear 9, 10 unclear

[vi][vi] 11,12 clear

[vii] 14, 15, 16, 17? clear

[viii] 18, 19, 20,21 clear









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