・臨床医学では、何ちゃら徴候とか何ちゃらサインという言葉がいっぱい出てきます.で、internal medicineみていたらなじみのない徴候がでておりました↓
Hiker's Feet: Hidden Warning Skin Sign
Takeshi Saraya, Keisuke Kasuga, Mitsumasa Kishimoto, Haruyuki Ishii
Intern Med 61: 2551-2552, 2022
Clin Rheumatol. 2017 Jul;36(7):1683-1686. doi: 10.1007/s10067-017-3598-5.
"Hiker's feet": a novel cutaneous finding in the inflammatory myopathies
Jacob T Cox, et al.
Mechanic’s hands is a well-characterized manifestation of select idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) syndromes. Less well characterized is the hyperkeratosis of the toes and plantar surface of the feet that can also accompany these disorders. We aim to describe common pedal signs in the context of IIM, and suggest that it may be another key feature in the presentation of these syndromes. A cohort of 2145 myositis patient charts gathered since 2003 were retrospectively reviewed using the key search terms “mechanic’s feet” and/or “mechanic’s foot.” Charts that included either phrase were further reviewed for clinical characteristics. Nine patients were identified with documentation describing “mechanic’s feet” or “mechanic’s foot.” All nine affected individuals carried a diagnosis of DM, seven of whom also met criteria for antisynthetase syndrome. In eight patients (89%), it presented in conjunction with mechanic’s hands. Six (67%) presented with anti-Jo-1 antibodies, and three (33%) were seronegative. Although the term “mechanic’s feet” has been used to describe this clinical finding in patients in our myositis cohort, we propose the term “hiker’s feet,” given that the presentation resembles a callousing pattern more typical of avid hikers or long-distance walkers. Prevalence data are not yet known but should be considered for further study. If the presenting signs of IIM are expanded to include hiker’s feet, it could aid in not only diagnosis and management but also provide insights into the pathophysiology of these diseases.
・最初の論文で足だけの徴候なら(患者さんには申し訳無いのですが)面白いのですが、手、肘にも色んな徴候が出ていたから、このhiker's feetが決め手になったわけではないですね.引用文献の方をみるとTable 1に9例まとめられていますが、8例はMechanic's Handsと合併しているわけで、hiker's feetだけの患者さんは一人だけ立ったんですね.残念.(←何がや)それにしても、わたしゃ、↑ふたつの文献の写真見たら、ひどい水虫やなとおもってしまいます.(修行が足りません)
・本日PC用のスピーカーが届きました.BoseのCompanion 2 Series Ⅲというものです.実はYouTubeの音楽をそんなにお高くないスピーカーで聴いていたのですが、たまたまヘッドホンできいていたら、全然スピーカーで聞こえなかった音がきこえるじゃあーりませんか.こりゃー良いスピーカーなら、エエ音きけるぞ、学位審査の発表もおわったので自分にご褒美するか、ということでAmazonでポチりました.(Rakutenもみたけど、高かった)で、本日それがとどいて音楽を聴いたわけですが、(いまもBGMでながしていますが)なかなかよろしおます.これで、当分アルコールをいただきながらYouTubeをたのしめますわ.ちなみに私の現時点ですきなYouTubeのmusic video(と言うのですか?)が、↓.
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