



総合病院精神医学 27巻(2015)4号

Abstract(本文は日本語です):This article overviewed the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment for slight disturbance of consciousness and delirium. Clinicians especially pay attention to slight disturbance of consciousness, because it develops into delirium. We introduced the concept and definition of delirium proposed by two famous Japanese psychiatrists (Kenichi Harada and Joji Kandabashi) as well as DSM-5. We also referred to the reliability and validity of the delirium rating scale (DRS-R-98). We demonstrated that serum levels of MHPG, a major metabolite of norepinephrine, was significantly higher in delirious patients compared with those in healthy subjects, and surprisingly, serum MHPG levels in delirious patients were also higher before delirium had occurred. In short, over activity of noradrenergic neurons plays an important role for pathophysiology of delirium. Our series of previous studies elucidated that serum MHPG level is a biological marker for anxiety. Taking these findings into account, relief of patient’s anxiety might be an important factor in preventing delirium. Once delirium occurs, interventions with psychotropic drugs should be performed. 



・本日3/19(火)は6時18分起床。昨晩からちょっと寒気がしており、風邪をひいたかなと思っていましたが、やっぱり朝起きたら、鼻水、だるさが有り風邪を引いたかんじです。手元にはPA錠しかなく飲んだら眠くなると思って、のまずに漢方薬を飲みました。で、大学院へ。午前中はイチロー先生のIncentives vs. Commitmentsの講義。午後は、Behavioral Economics and Health Policyの講義。最後にShould  we focus our efforts on upstream structural determinants or downstream psychological influences on choices/behaiviors?という問いを立てられその答えが・・・このブログの一番最後をどうぞ。



・本のおちょこいっぱいのんでやめるつもりがついおいしいので「一杯 一杯 また一杯」と飲んでしまい、もう何もできない状態になってしまいました。ということで、これから歯磨きして阿川佐和子のエッセイを読みながら眠りにつきたいとおもいます。


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